Returns Made Easy
If you find yourself needing to return your item for any reason, simply follow the instructions below to initiate a returns request. Our dedicated on-site team is here to assist you every step of the way. For more details on our Returns Policy, please refer to the information provided below.
Unwanted Items
For unwanted items (cancellations), you have 14 days to inform us of a return, you have a further 14 days from approval to send the item back to us.
Your Item must be returned to us in the exact manner we sent it out.
We do not offer a 'buy-to-try' scheme. Any personal information or signs of use beyond the use needed to inspect the items (as in-store) would not automatically be eligible for a refund.
When opening the packaging please be careful as to not damage to original box or leave any marks, as any damage to the product or packaging will result in a re-stocking fee.
To open a return request please go to your orders (click on the 'My Account' link at top of the page). Press select 'Request Return'. We will then review your request. You will receive an email when we have reviewed the return request.
Please send your Return to this Address:
Returns Department
Carmarthen Camera Centre (Former Zion Chapel)
Mansel Street
SA31 1QX
We recommend sending the return using a tracked service in order to verify when it is back with us. Carmarthen Camera Centre will not be held liable for any item which goes missing during the return transit.
Faulty Items
We are really sorry you have experienced a fault. All our items can be returned to us within 30 days for a refund or a replacement.
Outside of 30 days we will refer to the manufacturers warranty. If the item is covered under a warranty we will send the item to the authorised repair centre.
We offer a managed repair service, this means for items which need a repair we will contact the manufacturers or a trusted repair service centre and manage that process for you.
We charge a service fee of £25 to cover insurance, transportation to the manufacturer and providing an estimate cost of repair. For more information please send us an email.
To open a return request please go to your orders (click on 'My Account' at the top of the page).
Press select 'Request Return'. We will then review your request. You will receive an email when we have reviewed the request.
To return an item purchased through a different sales platform please open a returns request on the site it was originally purchased.
We are sorry that you're experiencing problems with your drone. Drones are incredibly complex devices with lots of moving parts.
Drones are often suseptible to user error, where a person loses control over the drone for a short period of time leading to damage. If you believe your drone to be faulty please get in contact with us so we can arrange an inspection of the drone to confirm the fault.
Faulty drones cannot be refunded until they have been inspected by our qualified experts.
Any question?
If we still haven't answered your question, you can contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.